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Dan Inks continued to herd the quartet of riders in his guided bicycle tour of the Wimbledon subdivision from the rear as 11-year-old Samantha Lehn led the way followed by her mother Connie and Connie’s father Cal. “Do any of you know the most surefire way to get out of a maze?” Dan asked as they started down the gentle slope of Cochet Court. “Surefire, not quickest,” he added.

“Run?” Samantha asked.

“Ha!” Dan hollered then laughed. “Yes, that would help too but to get out of a maze always turn right at every intersection. You may backtrack a lot but if you turn right at every intersection you’ll eventually get to the exit.”

“How come we can’t turn left?” Sam asked.

Dan laughed again. “We can. It doesn’t matter right or left. I guess we say turn right because we live in a country where we drive on the right. Maybe in the UK they say turn left.”

“And I can tell you firsthand that only works with simple mazes or labyrinths, not island mazes as I found out the hard two summers back,” Cal said, shaking his head and smiling. “I got mighty lost in a corn maze that would have scrambled the Minotaur’s brain.”

“The who a tour?” Sam asked.

“You know those half horse, half people centaurs?” Cal replied.

“Like in Artemis Fowl?” Sam asks.

“I don’t know that one, sweetie, but if you say so. A Minotaur is a muscleman on the bottom with a bull’s head on top; they’re super strong and super ferocious and they live in mazes. Anyway, these corn mazes have a maze within a maze or what’s called an island? I’d never encountered one before, but I had to get rescued from one at the Rader Farm. Embarrassing.”

“Oh yeah!” Connie said, “you told me about that. Didn’t you go with Jodi Fuller?”

“I did,” Cal said, nodding repeatedly. “Interesting outing,” he added.

“Anyway,” Dan said, “if you treat Wimbledon like a simple maze, you can’t get lost, and since we’re riding bikes in the USA, we’ll make every right turn that doesn’t lead out of the neighborhood. It’s pretty low key back here so we just watch for cars and make every turn on every street except Cary Parkway and Kildaire Farm because those would do what?”

“Take us out of the maze!” Sam said.

“Exactly! Or out of the neighborhood if you prefer. There are three streets that access Wimbledon, and we want to use Laver, not the other two,” as they came to Sedgman Court on their left. “Should we turn here, Sammy?” he asked, nodding to his left.

“No!” she hollered with a laugh. “We’re in America. We follow the right turn rule, not the left!”

“Bingo! We’ll turn that way when we’re heading out,” Dan acknowledged as they continued down Cochet’s gentle slope to the cul-de-sac proper, circled and began their easy climb back towards Everett Drive.