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In addition to me being out to lunch, my wife and I were literally out to dinner last night and were discussing our ever cloudier eyesight when she again expressed a desire for her cataracts to get worse so insurance would cover the cost of surgery when I blurted out in my “best” Bruce Springsteen, “Cataracts, cataracts, opaque veil, I need pulled back.”
She smiled, said, “Don’t do it,” and I immediately started making up these silly lyrics and sang them to her via Springsteen’s fantastic Cadillac Ranch song.
Thanks, Bruce!
It’s satire, so there’s no copywrite infringement.

Well, here I am amigo,
squinting son of a gun
once was 20-20,
but Lord those days are done.
Went to ophthalmologist
and lenses she did check,
said lenses mighty cloudy,
by Melchizedek.

I need surgery,
both of my eyes
if I would chase clouds away
once more see sunny skies.
Ain’t talking perfect vision,
but buddy you can bet,
gonna see much better
replace my IO lens.

Cataracts, cataracts,
opaque veil,
I need pulled back.
Not ‘bout how I look,
‘bout how I see.
Once more see the stars at night
post cataract surgery.

Milky Way at midnight
is sight divine,
but I haven’t seen it
since 1999.
Never after cloudy
is all I seek,
so I can count shooting stars
that across sky streak.

Cataracts, cataracts
opaque veil
I need pulled back.
Not ‘bout how I look,
‘bout how I see.
Once more see the stars at night
post cataract surgery.

Hair once dark and curly
fallen out or white;
no longer make women
swoon in delight.
Not much to look at,
but still long to see,
the world and the heavens
ever so clearly.

Cataracts, cataracts,
opaque veil
I need pulled back,
but insurance company
says eyes ain’t that bad,
so ain’t gonna pay!

Cataracts, cataracts
opaque veil
I need pulled back.
Not ‘bout how I look,
‘bout how I see.
Once more see the stars at night
post cataract surgery.

Apologies to Bruce and the E Street Band.